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Kuretake ZIG Posterman Wet-Wipe PMA-770 Liquid Chalk Pen with 15mm Tip


MPN: 1G1LBYJ2 SKU: UT_1G1LBYJ2 Categories: , , , Tags: , , , ,


This is a Kuretake ZIG Posterman Wet-Wipe PMA-770 Liquid Chalk Pen with 15mm Tip, which has the following manufacturer part number: 1G1LBYJ2. It can be categorised under: Office Supplies, Writing & Drawing, Liquid Chalk and Liquid Chalk Pens. In addition to this, it has also been given the following product tags: Kuretake, Liquid Chalk, Liquid Chalk Pens, ZIG and ZIG Posterman.

The condition rating of this product is ‘Ex Stock’. This means the product has come to us from another business as ex stock or the equivalent of. You can learn more about this items condition by looking under the ‘Condition’ tab found to the left of this descriptionabove this description.


Ex Stock

This product has come to us from another business as ex stock or the equivalent of. Ex stock can refer to one or more of the following:

  • Dead stock.
  • Liquidation stock.
  • Slow moving stock.
  • Excess stock.
  • Obsolete stock.
  • Discontinued product lines.

The condition is as new, however due to being in storage for an extended period of time, there is a chance that dust, discolouration, scuffs, scratches or general damage may have occurred to the original packaging and in some cases, the actual product itself. This is more common among certain category types:- ‘Construction Materials’, for example, where packing often isn’t existent.

All dead stock is checked over prior to sale to ensure that it is working correctly and as a business we do not sell broken or damaged products unless specifically mentioned within the ‘Specific Condition Details’ section below.

Specific Condition Details

No additional information has been given regarding the condition of this specific product listing.

If you require any additional information regarding the specific condition of this product, please visit our contact page.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 16 × 3 × 3 cm



Ex Stock